Photography By: Riley Cavaliere, Meg Howell, James Campbell, Clive Ward-Able
Words By: Maison Cavaliere

As the days pass by, and the float continues, it becomes apparent that the majority of time is spent staring into the abyss. It’s a unique experience, travelling by the natural movement of the Earth, living and breathing in a place where arguably, we were never meant to disrupt. However, many have made a life of exploring these deep gorges. As modern habits evolve on the surface, the urge to disappear into the depths grows fierce. It’s an escape, an optimal serenity.

It seems, the more trips I am graced with, the more I try to expand on the daily experiences. This one was truly admirable. Around river mile 117 lies a hidden oasis. During rainy season, Royal Arch Creek flows a heavy sediment. On this particular crisp winter day, with the sun attempting to warm the rocks, the water flowed in a natural clear state. The approach is short, but enjoyable.

One thing I began to appreciate on the many side hikes and quick stops we had, was the anticipation of what waits around each corner. That remained on the water too, of course. Each new rock, new bend was a new vision. Peering up from your feet once in a while to look around and see such wonderful people, all doing the same thing. Dreaming. Adults are adults, because of the responsibilities they hold. However, perhaps the most important responsibility we have, is one to ourselves. To let go, to laugh and to play. That is what we did. We found ourselves, more each day, and we played and laughed and sang and danced with the current.

However, perhaps the most important responsibility we have is one to ourselves. To let go, to laugh and to play.

On the last corner, we found our oasis. Our destination. All the anticipation and earning led us to Elves Chasm. An enchanted pool, with a waterfall. The secret within this particular waterfall can be found at the base. Climb up and out of the water, under the rocks and into the back of the curtain. Erosion and the movement of rocks has created enough of a cave to climb up to a small perch. It is here, one may find themselves, as a true child. Looking out at the canyon walls, the loving faces. And take the plunge.

There is a small detail, yet to be mentioned. A previous “engagement” you may call it. A couple of years ago, Riley and I decided to get married. I saw the proposal as a special day on the water, kayaking together. The river, and my shoulder had other plans and although it was still a beautiful setting amidst the Monashee Chalet near Blue River, it felt as though there was a void to fill. With the Grand Canyon trip coming up, we agreed that it may serve as our temporary chapel.

While we laughed, swam and jumped into the pool, we both gave the look. “We could do it here…?” Followed by an awkward giggle. A quick run back to the boats to grab the rings and it was set in motion. Before our trip, we were given two sets of rings by very thoughtful friends. Boston and Kass (who have recently gotten engaged, congratulations:)), gave us two silicone rings, used daily. The others were from Urs, my dearest friend that I learnt to paddle with a time ago. To Riley, time has proved Urs to be a close friend and role model. She has become a talented Silversmith in recent years. Having previously experienced the beauty and magic of the Canyon for herself, Ursula pre-emptively designed us two rings. Knowing that once we were surrounded and enriched by the energy of the walls, we might just find a spot beautiful and powerful enough to exchange them. She was right.

“We could do it here…?”

Simon, my river brother. Over the last 8 years we have grown on and off the water together. There is no one else I have more days paddling with, a fact I am not shy to share. A perfect fit, to be married by one of our greatest friends. A true honour. As the three of us stood atop the rocks, with our supportive team below us in the pool, Simon gave his words, and gave us his love. For me, the best part was all of us jumping off the cliff together. Hugs, kisses and love waited for us below and although much of our friends and family were not there, we know they would have cherished every minute. We hope to celebrate with everyone soon.

For now, the memory, and the whispers of walls, the Champagne and the cheers. Knowing that this time last year, I was marrying a wonderful, strong woman seems distant, but always powerful. I cannot help but feel grateful that I am fortunate enough to be with someone this intelligent and beautiful… and willing to get married in a dry-suit and PFD. The rivers flow through us, and within us. We are married to the water, just as much as to each other.

El Agua es Vida


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